
If you are here because you need help I really do know how you feel. 


How can I help? This phrase works for tragedies and boo boos and bad days. It quells panic. It can create urgency or buy time. It’s effective with strangers and lovers. Everyone understands it. How can I help? – Danielle LaPorte

I want to help you break through your current blocks and help you get to where you want to be.

I am the right mentor for you if:

– you have never been a public speaker but your eagerness to teach yoga has pushed you to want to learn

– you don’t feel confident anywhere really, and are realizing this now

– you want to teach more than anything, you really feel like your message is powerful but you choke up when it comes time to speak

– you need accountability, you feel stuck or you need someone to push you along

-you want a few tools to put in your toolbag to use for the rest of your life

 mentor |?men?tôr; -t?r|nounan experienced and trusted adviser 

These are the TANGIBLE RESULTS I hope you take away from our work together:

The Basics:

1. Strategies to prep before teaching the class 

2. Understanding of what YOU are coming up against 

3. Effective ways to handle feedback

4. Most effective way to plan before teaching

5. Being the observer/setting aside time for learning

6. How to audition for classes/finding places to teach

7. Teaching private clients

The Advanced:

8 and 9. Your mission as a teacher (usually takes two-three sessions to really tap into this)

10. The opportunity to ask me anything. We will always have a final call together where you can come with as many questions as you need answers to. 

Questions? ask a question here and I will get back to you within 24 hours.